Monday, September 5, 2011

Review : Eyeshadows Palette

Holla girls~

What happening? I hope you all had a good weekend. I was busy auditioning models for a fashion show my school's old student's association is organising! There were more than 25 girls and trust me only two of them were wearing makeup and that too very little. I was slightly surprised. I'm not saying everyone should wear makeup or something but when youre associated with a field wherein your physical appearance matters more than anything else, you should make sure you live upto a certain level. I was honestly judging only on two parameters~ One their makeup & outfits (physical appearance), two their confidence (most of them were high on that).

Sooooo, today I'm reviewing an eyeshadow palette that I bought a month or two ago~

I dont know its brand because it came in a plain baby pink box. Nothing too fancy! If its pink it has to be mine. I just love PINK!

It comes in a handy magazine form with a tuck-on button thing.

This is how it looks on the front. A glossy baby pink colored fake leather packaging~

From the back ~

Un button it and this is how it looks from inside. Forty colors on each side so that makes it a 80 eyeshadow palette!

On the right side it has 40 powder eyshadows..

On the left it has 40 creme based eyshadows..

Below are swatches of some of my favourite colors.
Since there are a lot of colors, I couldn't swatch all of them so i picked the ones I really like and have used a couple of times!

Creme based eyeshadows:

Powder eyeshadows : (without base/primer)

Something about the colors:

My purpose of buying this was to try out some low on shimmer colors. I love buying buying big palettes because storage is an issue for me. Single eyeshadows or small (5/10/20) is absolutely not my thing. These palettes are good on pocket and work great for me.

Lets talk about the creme eyeshadows first:

As the name says, they're very CREAMY. The texture is smooth, most of the colors are vivid, staying power is awesome, doesn't crease (not even a bit), can be worn alone for the longest time.

This was the first time I tried creme based eyeshadows and I was really impressed. The quality is great. Comes at a very cheap price.

Powder eyeshadows:

The eyeshadow colors are versatile. From neutrals to poppy orange & pinks! Yes I love the variety in this palette! It has beautiful earthy browns (great for everyday looks) , lilac, lavender, PINKS (No matter how many pink eyeshadows I have, Im always looking for new pink eyshadows), goldens, bronze and what not. For me its my GO-TO palette. Its great for travelling as well because you never plan a look (for me it's always very spontaneous and I love to mix & match) and it has possibly every color that you might need.

Now lets talk about the Negatives (Im a firm believer in the fact that everyone and everything has positive and negative points. No one is perfect. We get better with time but not perfect)

*All the eyeshadows have a very wierd smell, which I DO NOT LIKE. (I have to smell anything and everything)

*Availability- Its a no-brand palette, so you might not be able to find it easily.

Thats all~

Overall I really like it and might buy it again (If I ever find it somewhere)

Price : Rs 750 or 17 USD (Approx.)

I would rate it a 3.5/5

Which is your fave palette? Do you love any no brand palette's? Let me know in the comments section :)

Much Love.

Tanvee W.


Unknown said...

i like the packaging !! <3, even i smell everything and anything :P

Tanvi W. said...

hehe yeah! My mom says doggie ki nose hai kya? :P

Tanvi W. said...

hehe yeah! My mom says doggie ki nose hai kya? :P

Unknown said...

nice fav is the 88 warm pro palette..I love those warm colors..

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Very pretty!!! the shades look gorgeous <3

Tanvi W. said...

Bhumika - Yup I love the 88 palette too! I wish they were easily available in our country!

Rakshanda - Oh thankyou darling!

Nivedita said...

Wow!! The packing itself is too cute!! I would've carried it around. Heheehhe.
The colors are beautiful

Tanvi W. said...

Exactly :P I couldnt resist the packaging!

ridsj said...

the packaging is good ... but i think the some shades r way too shimmery . . .

Tanvi W. said...

Yes the creme eyeshadows are! I always use them as a base :)